A Guide to Mastering the Art of Joie de Vivre

Hello, Hola, Bonjour!  I am MaryJo, a vintage soul, who’s married to my honey, aka Mr. M., who made all my dreams come true. He made me a wife, he made me a mother and he makes me laugh each & every day. My life revolves around my family & my home and on this blog I share all the pieces of this wonderful life. I love all things that are weathered, tattered, tarnished, rusted, faded, shabby, & distressed because they have a story to tell. Here- I tell my story, which includes my love for home decor, gardening, entertaining, cooking, traveling, crafting and anything that makes life pretty, fun & interesting.

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Master the art of seasonal decor, home stylings and renovations.

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Master the art of creating your own home decor crafts, DIYs and more with your own personal style

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Master the art of setting pretty tables, cooking wonderful dishes and creating a festive vibe.

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Master the art of enjoying your outdoor spaces, gardening techniques and embracing outdoor living.

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Hi! I’m MaryJo!

Hello, Hola, Bonjour! 

I am a vintage soul, who’s life revolves around my family & my home and on this blog I share all the pieces of this wonderful life. I love all things that are weathered, tattered, tarnished, rusted, faded, shabby, & distressed because they have a story to tell. Here- I tell my story, which includes my love for home decor, gardening, entertaining, cooking, traveling, crafting and anything that makes life pretty, fun & interesting.

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero